Dear all,
As industry shut down across the globe to mitigate the transmission of the virus, socio-economic and escalating job losses have become an epidemic in itself for so many. The gravity of such long-term psychosocial impact on humanity is not to be underestimated. If there was ever a time in my life where the phrase ‘we are all in this together’ rings true, it is now, as consequential impacts of this pandemic does not discriminate. However, ‘we are all in this together’ is not entirely true for everyone. The stark reality is, our most vulnerable members of society are never the world’s priority in the best of times and they most certainly are not now, especially in times of great global distress compounded with health and economic distractions and as those of us working on the front line have seen in 2020.
Whilst we suffered and continue to suffer great losses with funding in 2020, the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation has been one of the lucky ones. We have been able to push through and our doors remain very much open, and this is a testament to ‘our people’, friends and supporters who have continued to support our work with donations, volunteered time and given their professional services pro bono. Our people make us who we are, we never lose sight of this, you are the lifeblood and the very fabric of our Foundation. Our teams in the field that work directly with the children and their families have gone above and beyond the call of duty in 2020, and whilst they ordinarily never cease to amaze me, I have been left so deeply humbled by their self-sacrificing efforts and commitment to the children we work with. The term that CNCF often uses is ‘Stronger Together’ and this rings true more than ever this year.
However, one does not have to look too far, nor be on the front-line of a second or third world country where CNCF works, to see more people, more families more individuals being plunged in to further crisis, fear and loneliness; as this year and its growing uncertainties have escalated to mammoth proportions for many.
Therefore, my end of year message, and in the true spirit of my mother Christina, and her Foundation, is this, although we desperately remain very much in need of funds to keep our own projects operating, I do not ask you to donate to the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation this Christmas, I ask instead that you consider the following…
- Donate to a local charity in your own community that serves those who are vulnerable.
- Volunteer with a local charity; the financial burden on many charities in 2020 has been nothing less than crippling as demands for help have skyrocketed.
- Gather your family neighbours and friends – make food parcels, so all families in your community can at least enjoy a decent meal together over the festive season.
- Purchase toys for children whose families are struggling this festive season so they too can have the gift of Christmas.
- Give a coat, a warm pair of shoes to someone who needs them.
- Check in on your elderly neighbours. Make sure they are warm and they have food to eat.
- Be a good neighbour. Care about those in your community who are vulnerable and struggling; a simple smile of acknowledgement is sometimes all that it takes to lift the spirit of someone who is having a bad day. A smile costs nothing, yet is priceless.
Helenita Noble, CEO
“Childhood is the very foundation of life and that is why I call this a Foundation as opposed to a Charity.”