Trao Tặng Một Ngôi Nhà Vào Giáng Sinh Này ..

“Chỉ bằng sự dũng cảm và quyết tâm mạnh mẽ, con cái chúng ta mới có thể vươn mình thoát khỏi cảnh nghèo khó mà chúng sinh ra, vượt qua nghịch cảnh và may mắn nhất là, phá vỡ vòng nghèo đói không chỉ cho bản thân mà còn cho gia đình và thế hệ tương lai sau này. CNCF trao cơ hội, nhưng chính trẻ mới là những người thực sự gánh vác công việc khó khăn này, và đến lượt mình, tiếp tục truyền cảm hứng cho chúng tôi trong sứ mệnh này. Những đứa trẻ là nguồn cảm hứung và động lực, là tình yêu để chúng tôi tiếp tục phát triển ”.

-Bà Helenita Noble, Giám Đốc Điều Hành Hiệp Hội –

Christina came upon Bao* selling newspapers on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City in 1991, life was tough and friends dying from poverty related circumstances was normal life for Bao. From the day he met Christina, his life was transformed. CNCF supported him physically and emotionally and was able to continue supporting him onto a 3-year scholarship to Dublin where he studied his passion, Hospitality.

Thanks to the education he received CNCF was able to continue supporting him onto a 3-year scholarship to Dublin where he studied his passion, Hospitality. Bao returned to Vietnam after his studies and became a Manager at a five-star resort and several others five-star hotels since then.
Bao is now very happily married with a son and lives in Ho Chi Minh City, having broken the cycle of poverty not only for himself but his future generations. Bao remains to this day a very dear member of the Noble and CNCF family and is pictured with Helenita Noble, CNCF CEO and eldest daughter of Christina Noble in 2019.
Ngoc* is a very active girl. Those who meet her now would not believe where she was just three short years ago. Ngoc was born premature and was left at the hospital. She was later sent to a local orphanage with a diagnosis of severe malnutrition and cerebral palsy. When she was two years old, she was sent to the Sunshine Social and Medical Centre and was admitted to the Intensive Monitoring Unit.
From the shy girl who was unable to walk or talk to the active young explorer who loves to run from one place to another, feed herself, and sing, Ngoc has come a very long way. She still attends regular speech lessons and physiotherapy sessions, but one thing is certain: she is well on her way to becoming an independent and successful adult.
Fourteen-year-old Enkhbold* has lived a difficult life. Both his parents died before he was six, leaving him in the care of his four older siblings. Enkhbold lives with two of his siblings and their families in extreme poverty.
When our social workers learned about the family’s desperate situation, they conducted a home visit and found that the family’s ger was very old and in danger of collapsing because of many broken roof supports and torn tarpaulin.
With the freezing winter fast approaching, our social workers were extremely concerned about the family’s physical and emotional well-being.
Thanks to the generosity of one of our donors, we were immediately able to offer this family a fully-furnished four-wall ger, and in October, the CNCF team arrived to help them build their new home. It was wonderful to see the family’s joy as their ger began to take shape.
Enkhbold and the two smaller children were particularly excited by all the furniture and had lots of fun bouncing around on their new sofa. Enkhbold couldn’t believe that he now had a desk.
“I always used to do my homework on the floor,” he told our team. “Now that I have a table to work at I am going to do my homework really neatly!”. This young family can now live together in warmth and safety; a massive amount of pressure has been lifted from them and they can move into the future with security and optimism.
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